AutoUniMo Work Packages
WP1 Manufacturing Execution System for Short Series Production Support
Software prototype for effective and flexible Manufacturing Execution System (MES) which will support Short Series Production (SSP). MES prototype will be practically verified by CONTI.
Feasibility study on data mining (DM) and artificial intelligence (AI) methods applicability for MES systems dedicated for SSP. Special focus will be put on: production scheduling, product genealogy tracing, production quality management and maintenance management.
T.1.1. Functional analysis preparation for SSP MES. Best available IT technologies (BAT) and applicable DM methods will be assessed.
T.1.2. Software model preparation for SSP MES. Software mockup creation with production scheduling and product genealogy tracing functionality.
T.1.3. Software prototype preparation for SSP MES. Final software prototype will be focus on: production scheduling, product genealogy tracing, production quality management and maintenance management.
WP2 Energy Efficient Production Systems for Automotive Industry
Methodology and supporting software tools for Energy Efficient Control Production Systems (EECPS) creation for automotive industry. EECPS will focus on: energy efficiency in industrial production systems, energy and media consumption monitoring and energy and media consumption optimisation. Feasibility study on virtual factory models and component based technologies applicable for EECPS will be prepared.
T.2.1. Functional analysis of the best design methodology and best available tools dedicated for EECPS in automotive industry.
T.2.2. Development of hardware components and software tools dedicated for EECPS in in the automotive industry. Creation of EECPS prototype mockup toolset.
WP3 Artificial Intelligence in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Fusion between generic AI and DM approaches and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Functional and nonfunctional requirements analysis, AI, DM and ADAS system’s will be prepared during feasibility study.
Research Environment for Artificial Intelligence application in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Support.
T.3.1. Assessment of the best available DM and AI technologies (BAT) available to fulfil ADAS systems requirements.
T.3.2. Research environment for artificial intelligence in advanced driver assistance systems support – prototype software system implementation
WP4 Digital factory model for automotive production
Digital factory system model for automotive production will be refined and developed as an set of informatics tools and related use cases based on practical automotive production systems engineering problems.
T.4.1. Digital factory system model for automotive production – functional and nonfunctional requirements analysis. Preparation of automotive production system decomposition model and its description accordingly to Componet Based Technology paradigm.
T.4.2. Software Framework for Digital Factory (SFDF) applicable in Automotive Production systems preparation and validation
WP5 Project management and results dissemination
AutoUniMo project management and scientific coordination between tasks.
AutoUniMo project results dissemination.
T.5.1. Scientific coordination between tasks be based on teleconferences (every 1 month minimum) and meetings (every 6 months)
T.5.2. Preparation of International Seminar on Emerging Technologies in Automotive Area, Ingolstadt Germany and related outreach activity: 1st AutoUniMo Project Open Day.
T.5.3. Preparation of International Seminar on Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Automotive Systems, Poland and related outreach activity: 2nd AutoUniMo Project Open Day.
T.5.4. Preparation of International Conference on Virtual Factory in Automotive Production Systems Engineering – Ingolstadt, Germany and related outreach activity: 1st Science Summer Night.
T.5.5. Preparation of International Conference on Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence Methods Applied for Automotive Systems – Gliwice, Poland. and related outreach activity: 2nd Science Summer Night.